Knoppix - just right for me

Hello, I have Knoppix 6.2.1 installed on my Toshiba 2GB USB flash drive. I use it when I am at airports. I think I can get extra mileage from my battery but my laptop is 2004 and I am still using the original batteries so I am not sure.

I haven't been able to install any additional applications on it yet. I think I need a 4GB drive for additional applications. Anyway, this is my laptop configuration;

a) Dell Inspiron 6000 (Intel Pentium M 1.73GHz)
b) Intel 915GM Graphic Controller (integrated)
c) RAM 2GB Corsair DDR2 8000MHz
d) DVD NEC ND6650A
b) HDD 160GB ATA Samsung HM160HC
c) 15" LCD monitor set at 1280 x 800

On my laptop I have installed LinuxMint 8 (Helena) as the single operating system. I mainly use my laptop for emails and word processing - so the main applications are Firefox, Opera and OpenOffice. Mostly I use the Package Manager to install applications. Otherwise I look for .deb packages.

Lately I have also installed Wine (using Package Manager) and Virtualbox (download from website). I have installed Windows XP on the Virtualbox VM. I haven't tested any applications on it yet. I just wanted to see how Virtualbox works. I have also installed MS Word, Excel and Powerpoint on Wine. However, Powerpoint doesn't work.

I don't work in a corporate environment so I am free to choose my operating system.


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